Zhiyun New Smooth Q3 Smartphone Gimbal

A new smartphone gimbal with a twist has been introduced by one of the industry's heavyweights. As cellphones become more widely used in higher-end photography and filmmaking, this might be a useful tool.

Image Source: Zhiyun—Tech

Image Source: Zhiyun—Tech

Smartphones aren't yet capable of replacing specialized cameras, and they aren't likely to do so anytime soon. They are, however, making inroads into the toolkits of photographers and videographers, with many of the latest phones capable of capturing extremely high-quality film. At the time of writing, three phones are available on the market that can record in 8K. Phones are undoubtedly feasible for b-roll and additional angles for your video projects.

The problem is that IBIS on phones isn't always reliable. While it has progressed in leaps and bounds, it still falls short of the standard required for use in professional video projects. As a result, a slew of new phone-specific gimbals have emerged. Zhiyun's most recent release is just that, but with a twist.

The Zhiyun-Tech Smooth-Q3 smartphone gimbal features a built-in LED video light, landscape and portrait settings, smart tracking, live streaming, and a long battery life, among other features. While it is clearly intended for bloggers, it has the potential to be beneficial in a variety of other roles as well, such as behind-the-scenes work.

The finest aspect of this gimbal, in my opinion, is the price, not the light. The Smooth-Q3 is only $89, which is a lot of equipment for a small investment.